The process of capturing photo's of the elements was fun. I have always loved photography and I know look at it in a different way. I started playing with the different options and menus for the first time. I also found that I was looking at the way I took pictures differently. I took a lot of different pictures and I believe I picked the best ones to display each element. The part of this process that was a bit frustrating was using Photobucket. It took many tries to get the text to save to my pictures. It was my first time using the website so I am sure it will become more familiar. I also could not get the links to work in Photobucket, so I hope that my links are what they are supposed to be.
I plan to use the techniques of the elements of art more often when taking pictures. Photography was always a subject I wanted to learn more about.
I really enjoyed your representations of unity and value with the nature shots that you used. I felt that the use of the iced over branches of the tree for unity was brilliant and I believe you succeeded in a good representation of each element and principle.